To reach someone, all you had to do was call their number, enter your contact information, and hit the pound sign to send. 要想与某人联系,人们只需呼叫这个人的号码,输入自己的联系信息,然后点击井号键发送。
Single-line comments start with the pound sign (#). 单行注释以开头。
If a line is prefixed with the octothorpe, or pound sign (#), the text is updated with the text on that line. 如果一个行的前缀是井号(),文本被更新为该行文本。
Comments and text that aren't to be evaluated at execution are preceded with a pound sign (#). 在执行时不进行求值的注释和文本前面加有一个磅字符()。
For example, SonicMQ uses the pound sign to delimit a superior hierarchy and MQSeries employs a topic-name suffix to express options normally reserved for the API. 例如,SonicMQ使用英镑标记来分隔较高的层次结构,而MQSeries使用主题名称后缀表示通常为API保留的选项。
What does the pound sign look like? 英磅符号是什么样子的?
The former specifies single-line mode, and the latter eliminates unescaped whitespace from the regular expression and enables comments marked with a pound sign. 前者指定单行模式,而后者则从正则表达式消除保留的空格并且启用由磅符号标记的注释。
The other is called the "pound sign", which has two lines vertically and two lines horizontally. It's also the symbol that we use for" number"– the "pound sign". 另一个叫做“磅字符,”图案有两条竖线,两条直线。我们也用磅字符标记“数字”。
Second thing I want to note is, the little hash mark or the pound sign, that's identifying a comment. 我想要说的第二件事是,这个小斜杠或者是井字号,这是用来标注注释的。